As a company, we are dedicated to taking positive action and playing a constructive role in the community by meeting all environmental, health and safety regulations. To protect the environment and ensure safety for society, we implement eco-friendly measures as part of our manufacturing process, using conservation & effective resource utilization.

Rockwell Industries Ltd is committed to excelling and continuously improving on the environment, occupational health & safety performance by:

  • Maintaining the documentation, compliance and regular review of the environment, OHS laws and regulatory requirements.
  • Adopting injury & illness prevention, resource conservation, zero accident, pollution prevention and occupation health monitoring programs.
  • Using eco-friendly & safe practices and constantly upgrading the manufacturing technology.
  • Making employees, contractors & visitors aware of the environment, safety, health & hygiene through involvement & motivation.
  • Empowering employees to act responsibly in day-to-day working conditions & in emergencies for their and others’ health & safety.
  • Maintaining an effective environment, occupational health & safety management system.

The E-Waste Management Rules 2016 by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change came into effect on 1st October 2016. The rules apply to all producers, bulk consumers, consumers, dealers, e-tailers, refurbishers, collection centres, recyclers, and dismantlers involved in the production, sale, purchase, transfer, collection, storage & processing of electrical & electronic equipment.

Responsibility of producers & consumers

The producers of the electrical & electronic equipment are in charge of collecting & channelizing the e-waste at the end of the life of the product and generated during the production process. ‘Bulk Consumers’ refers to bulk users of such electrical & electronic equipment like government departments, PSUs, banks, partnerships & private/public companies, education institutions & educational institutions.

The consumers are expected to ensure that such items are properly disposed of after their expected life to the producer under the take-back services or through their collection agencies.


What is E-waste

E-waste refers to electric & electronic devices like home appliances that have been deemed discarded, old or unusable by the consumer or bulk consumer. According to the E-Waste Management Rules, 2016, E-waste may also include any rejects from the production, refurbishment and repair processes.

Such waste contains various hazardous components like toxic gases, chemicals, mercury & lead that can prove harmful for both humans & the environment if not disposed of properly.

Rockwell’s E-waste collection program

Rockwell Industries Ltd collaborates with CPCB-authorized E-Waste Recyclers to ensure compliance with our recycling responsibilities. Our recycling partners handle the collection, channelization, dismantling, and recycling of e-waste, ensuring adherence to extended producer responsibility regulations.

For more information, reach out to Rockwell at our toll-free number: 18003098808.

For collection services, you can contact us at 1800 309 4598.