Most of us imagine a refrigerator in our homes when we hear the word fridge. Refrigeration covers much more than just cooling. Many people are unfamiliar with an entire segment of commercial refrigeration. They come in a variety of models. If you are looking to open a grocery store or restaurant, you should be familiar with the following types of commercial refrigerators. Let us discover a few of them. 

Reach-In Refrigerators/ Visi Coolers 

A Visi-Cooler, also known as a reach-in refrigerator, is a vertical unit used in restaurants and commercial kitchens. These units have a smaller footprint in many kitchens and have multiple presences in key locations, allowing staff to quickly grab the ingredients they need without having to leave their place. It is the most used refrigeration unit in the hospitality industry due to its versatility, low cost, small size, and storage efficiency. This type of visi-coolers in India is available in both glass door and solid door models. It is used in commercial kitchens to store food/beverages and raw materials. 

Walk-in Refrigerators 

Walk-in freezers, which resemble large walk-in closets or a walk-in cold room, are used as the primary cold storage area for commercial restaurants/kitchens to keep food, ingredients, and drinks/beverages cold and fresh. It functions similarly to a warehouse for storing juices, alcohol, bulk, or boxed items. If you want to open a restaurant, this is the best commercial refrigeration option. You can also request that the operator set up commercial shelving operations to improve static cooling efficiency. 

Deep Freezer 

Chest freezers or deep freezers in India that sit horizontally on the floor. When it comes to storing food, this static refrigeration unit is ideal. In the summer, if the power goes out, the chest freezer will keep your food frozen for a longer period. They also have lower energy consumption. 

Back Bar Refrigerator 

There is an entire industry dedicated to bar refrigerators, which includes various back bar refrigerators, plate chillers, keg coolers, and so on. This type of refrigerator is typically designed with a black vinyl or stainless-steel surface to make the under-counter bar area appear more streamlined. 

Undercounter Chiller / Freezer 

This refrigeration unit is like reach-in refrigeration; the only variation that serves as the USP of this refrigeration system is that it is much shorter than reach-in companies and can fit in a tiny space. It is a small, portable unit that is ideal for a commercial kitchen. It is a great option if your commercial kitchen requires a small team to store a few products that can be used as needed. Refrigeration under the counter is ideal for individuals with cloud kitchens or tiny food counters. 

As a result, if you own a food business, it is a smart way to invest in the best ice cube machine in India or commercial refrigerator to boost your profits. Rockwell, a leading Commercial Refrigeration Equipment manufacturer in India, provides eco-friendly freezers that do not require you to be concerned about power consumption and provide power backup in the event of a prolonged power outage in your area. Rockwell Freezers are the best option for your budget and living circumstances. Are you interested to know more about Rockwell products? Contact us today. 

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